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The truth about opioids
The Truth About Opioids is helping young people understand the facts about opioids, the risk of addiction and the crucial role they can play in solving the c
2020 class of truth Ambassadors launch community projects
Eleven young leaders from across the country are designing and executing local projects to inspire tobacco-free communities as the newest class of truth Amba
How effective are tobacco control policies?
Tobacco taxes have the greatest potential to slash smoking rates, according to a review of studies that use simulation models to assess the existing and futu
4 marketing tactics e-cigarette companies use to target youth
From offering candy-flavored tobacco products to college scholarships, manufacturers and sellers of e-cigarettes aggressively target young people.
Truth Initiative & Mojo Supermarket’s anti-vaping effort scoops the US Grand Effie at the 2023 Effie Awards
Truth Initiative and Mojo Supermarket’s “Depression Stick + Breath of Stress Air,” with contributing agencies Gale, Allegiance Group, and Crux Research, was
Truth Initiative Joins #StopHateForProfit Campaign
Truth Initiative has announced it will pause all truth Facebook and Instagram advertising for the month of July, standing in solidarity with the #StopHateFor
Christy Hartsell
Christy Hartsell is responsible for engaging companies to help amplify the organization’s work and provide funding to support the mission, as the vice presid
Tricia Kenney
Tricia Kenney is an award-winning and creatively driven communications leader, who brings a proven track record of strategic media and public relations exper
truth campaign focused on mental health significantly lowered e-cigarette use among young people
A truth campaign focused on the connection between vaping nicotine and mental health significantly reduced e-cigarette use
Young people take back the shelves and demand that pharmacies stop selling tobacco products
Pharmacies are a trusted source of health information and services.
5 ways tobacco is normalized in entertainment and pop culture
As smoking becomes less socially acceptable and tobacco use rates continue to decline, entertainment media and pop culture don’t often reflect that reality,
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