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    Displaying 1296 of 1365 Search Results

  1. Our Team

    Elizabeth Kenny

    As Chief Marketing and Strategy Officer at Truth Initiative, Elizabeth Kenny brings extensive experience to the organization’s life-saving mission to achieve

  2. 2021 Financial Statements

    We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Truth Initiative Foundation and Affiliate (Truth Initiative), which comprise the consol

  3. Our Team

    Tina M. Morgan

    Tina Morgan has been with Truth Initiative since 1999.

  4. 2021 Annual Report

    We are pleased to share the significant progress we made in 2021, detailed in this report: Creating a future free from smoking, vaping, and nicotine.

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    Master Settlement Agreement

    The largest civil litigation settlement in U.S. history changed tobacco control forever. The settlement is also the first chapter in the Truth Initiative origin story. Learn the basics of the Master Settlement Agreement. 

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  7. Our Team

    Spencer J. Cox

    Gov. Spencer J.

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